From the President

Stories about churches, messages from our President and CEO, news and more

Weathering the storm, steady for bright future

“Construction material costs have been stabilizing and interest rates are beginning to moderate. That is very good news for church leaders who can now better budget for their project costs.” The things of life so often go in cycles or patterns. It is fascinating to study and try to better understand them. How many of… Continue Reading

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Patterns, change, curiosity, partnership, prayer

“There is great satisfaction in fulfilling God’s call in each of our lives, both individually and organizationally. We are His servants.” It’s that time of year again when life for many of us returns to normal patterns. Traffic increases, church attendance becomes steadier and the fourth quarter of the year is clearly in sight. At… Continue Reading

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Early 80s loan demand meshed with strong growth of churches

“Christian Investors Foundation (CIF) is strong, and we are looking forward to one of our best years in making funds available to churches. It is because of your part in this great work that this is possible.” herbert s. nordin, cif secretary-treasurerefca yearbook (1980-1981) More than 40 years ago, in 1981, CIF, then Christian Investors… Continue Reading

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Data, details and Kingdom advancement

“Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all.” Charles babbage (1791-1871) This statement from Charles Babbage (1791-1871) makes the case for research, for doing one’s homework. An English mathematician and inventor, Babbage is referred to by some as the “Father of the computer.” Those who know me might say… Continue Reading

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Warm weather, ministries advancing, dollars put to work

On summer days, I am instantly drawn to the sunlight and heat. Add some rain and a bit of care and our plants will grow and thrive. These cycles and patterns are necessary, helpful … even fascinating. The financial world of churches also has cycles and patterns, which we study with a curious intensity. Many… Continue Reading

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Staying connected, knowing, understanding

Some have said that much of what happens in life boils down to relationships and they are a two-way street. Both might sound like cliches, but I believe they are based on core truths and realities that directly impact how effective we can be in our endeavors. The relationship doors swing heavily on communications, which… Continue Reading

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