Case Studies

Empowering Individuals and Churches

Insights and resources to help churches and individuals grow so they can serve others through investments, and loans.

Warm weather, ministries advancing, dollars put to work

On summer days, I am instantly drawn to the sunlight and heat. Add some rain and a bit of care and our plants will grow and thrive. These cycles and patterns are necessary, helpful … even fascinating. The financial world of churches also has cycles and patterns, which we study with a curious intensity. Many… Continue Reading

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Core Values: Communication

Communication is one of CIF’s four Core Values. Join us for the first of a four-part video series that explores who we are as an organization, and how we serve others.

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Staying connected, knowing, understanding

Some have said that much of what happens in life boils down to relationships and they are a two-way street. Both might sound like cliches, but I believe they are based on core truths and realities that directly impact how effective we can be in our endeavors. The relationship doors swing heavily on communications, which… Continue Reading

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Working with pastoral groups, stewardship

A CIF discussion CIF President and CEO Scott Achterling, above left, sat down with Senior Relationship Manager Russ Zimmerman, right, to discuss pastor group meetings and partnerships. We hope you enjoy the exchange and can increase your understanding of CIF’s role in Kingdom expansion. Scott: A belated Happy New Year, and thanks for joining me… Continue Reading

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