Bright, airy, distinctive new building stands for God
Covenant Church trusts the Lord, finds flexible partner in CIF
Continue Reading“To be honest, I don’t know of any other financial institution that would have gone the extra mile the way CIF did during those months of 2023. Without the original loan terms, the project would not have happened.”
Marcus Digmon, chairman of the Trustees, Ray’s chapel Baptist Church
A 135-year-old church in Florida’s panhandle saved for many years, ran a capital campaign and obtained a loan from Christian Investors Financial to build a more than 300-seat sanctuary, greatly expand its parking area and refurbish a multi-purpose room.
“We feel like it’s our turn to provide a place for the generations that follow us, to have a place in the McDavid community for years to come, or until the Lord returns,” said Marcus Digmon, chairman of the trustees for Ray’s Chapel Baptist Church. He has been with “the little white church on Bogia Road” for some 50 years, where his father pastored in the 1970s.
Cost challenges loomed, much to be gained
Rising construction and labor costs and looming interest rate increases just after the COVID era would challenge the church’s plans, but God was faithful, and CIF came alongside this ministry to see its vision realized.
The growing church located on 26 acres, 34 miles northwest of Pensacola has a strong financial track record on past expansions and land purchases. It started setting aside funds for future building in 2005.
Preparing financially, new sanctuary and parking
On an annual basis, Ray’s first saved 5% of undesignated contributions (receipts) and later bumped the number to 25%. By 2017, the church formed committees to explore options. They decided to move forward in 2021, Digmon explained. (At left, Pastor Grant and his family.)
The vision was to bring the whole congregation back into one service together on Sundays, he said.
The new structure would have seating for 354 with the choir, allowing the congregation of about 225 to worship together and grow even more.
Additionally, the parking situation was unsafe. People were crossing a two-lane highway on foot, sometimes at night.
“The way you drive up to it, it’s a slight curve, so you don’t really see what’s coming, especially if you’re not familiar with the road” said Lead Pastor Grant Norris. “Then it just opens up and there’s a church.” Leaders were especially concerned about youth and older individuals crossing. An area was cleared and a lot paved to move all of the parking off-street.
Better building designed for needs, excitement builds
Another choke point was the restrooms, with access limited to the front of the old sanctuary. This made things less comfortable for those who needed to excuse themselves during the service.
Church leaders were advised to move rooms used by senior citizens and the youngest children closest to the new sanctuary, Norris explained. Narrow hallways were another difficulty.
As the improvements took shape, interest was spreading. Attendees who got some early looks at the construction were impressed, said Digmon, pictured at right. “They were coming by and telling me how beautiful it is, how nice it is and how awesome it’s going to be when we get in there.”
Pastor Grant said people have been unified, eager and excited. “God’s been so good to us, seeing an influx of new families coming in and wanting to be a part of this.”
The church held an evening prayer gathering during construction where people could write Bible verses on framing and other unfinished parts of the building. “We prayed over our church and it was such a special moment,” pastor said. “To see all these families coming in … getting involved … this is going to be our future sanctuary where we’re going to raise our children … and disciple them in the Lord.”
An older female member who has not long to live attended and the children gathered around her. “She gave some imparting wisdom, sang a song and prayed over our little ones, the future of the church,” said Pastor Grant. “I’ll never forget that moment, personally. Those are avenues where God gives you graces to see that.”
Changing costs, God’s faithfulness
Ray’s Chapel signed a master plan contract with builder COSCO & Associates in April 2021. Less than a year later, construction cost estimates edged $325,000 higher, putting pressure on the budgeted project cost of $3.5 million.
By July of 2023, when the actual bids came in, construction costs were up $867,000, 37% higher than expected. Amazingly, new commitments to the church’s capital campaign rose by almost the same amount as the shortfall.
CIF helped make it happen
“To be honest, I don’t know if any other financial institution that would have gone the extra mile the way CIF did during those months of 2023,” Digmon said. Without the original loan terms, he said the project would not have happened.
“God has been faithful to grow this church,” said Pastor Grant. “He’s opening doors for us to have a building that can accommodate our community, so we are excited.”
Digmon said seeing the physical results after years of talks and discussions, planning, financing and giving, people were anticipating what the end result was going to look like.
A faithful financial partner
Pastor Grant said a lot of businesses can put things on a website, but not necessarily live out what they say. “We are firsthand experience that Christian Investors is a financial service on a mission,” he said. “They don’t partner with just big churches – they also work with small churches just like ours.”
Pastor said he appreciated working with like-minded people who want to expand God’s Kingdom. “We have felt cared for the whole time,” he said. “We’ve walked hand in hand with you guys and it’s really been a testimony to who you guys are, and we’re thankful for that.”
Building campaign pledges toward the project grew from $730,000 to $1.2 million. Digmon said that by God’s graciousness, the campaign was something to behold.
Pastor Grant said the whole process has been a testimony of God’s goodness. “We do our part and try to make these things work, but it really is Christ who is the glue to everything in this, even in leading us to CIF.”
He said the Lord is so faithful and they are excited for things to come.
More information about Church Loans and Capital Campaigns offered by CIF is available. To get started, click “work with a specialist.”