For Resonate Church in a suburb of San Francisco, the church’s “heart is to point others to Jesus and make disciples,”
New Building Loan
For Resonate Church in a suburb of San Francisco, the church’s “heart is to point others to Jesus and make disciples,” said Leslee Doyle, director of operations. The Bay Area church is “very diverse across age, socio-economic and cultural groups,” Doyle continued.
The church was looking for a facility that would allow them to renovate the internal space to include an auditorium, children’s areas, general church space and offices for staff.
“CIF helped us address our ministry challenges by looking holistically at our entire financial picture,” Doyle went on, “and providing a building and construction loan that met our needs.”
Being in their new building now for a year, Resonate sees its facility as a “key tool to inviting [people] in to hear the Gospel,” Doyle said. “CIF was able to provide us with competitive loan options, and an appraisal process that fit our specialized building type,” Doyle concluded. “The service was great, and we felt that CIF was on our side and willing to look at solutions that would fit our entire financial picture.”
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Two California churches, one two hours east of Los Angeles and the other on the ocean nearby, talk about the value of having a partner in ministry that is experienced and brings expert level help in the financial realm. “You get an organization that cares about the church, that loves the church,” said Pastor-Elder Chris… Continue Reading
In the third of a three-part series, Christian Investors Financial board members talk about the eternal impacts of CIF’s work in serving churches. Our organization’s conservative nature has been a backbone of who we are since 1959. There is wise counsel, a broadening perspective and refined decision making with the goal of reaching individuals for… Continue Reading