I love working with churches. I really do. There are so many genuine and authentic people to meet, people serving the Lord with fervor and showing compassion to those around them. Their stories are important to me, just as I tell CIF’s story and share our experiences. Isn’t it interesting how we each can quickly… Continue Reading
When people are willing to be there for each other, great things can happen. It is our team’s goal to reflect that at CIF, both internally and with the churches, related ministries and individuals we serve. I am passionate and engaged in building others up, supporting and leading teams to more wins. At CIF, we… Continue Reading
Some have said that much of what happens in life boils down to relationships and they are a two-way street. Both might sound like cliches, but I believe they are based on core truths and realities that directly impact how effective we can be in our endeavors. The relationship doors swing heavily on communications, which… Continue Reading
A CIF discussion CIF President and CEO Scott Achterling, above left, sat down with Senior Relationship Manager Russ Zimmerman, right, to discuss pastor group meetings and partnerships. We hope you enjoy the exchange and can increase your understanding of CIF’s role in Kingdom expansion. Scott: A belated Happy New Year, and thanks for joining me… Continue Reading
Christmas greetings from CIF. Our offices are flush with the season’s decorations, with three Christmas trees, and stockings lining the hall ready for gifts. It’s a joyful time of year to relish in the reason for the season – Jesus! We have focused on thankfulness this quarter, with gratitude and appreciation for all the Lord’s… Continue Reading
As followers of Jesus, many of us find time for reflection, to thank the Lord for His many blessings. The Thanksgiving season offers a set time each year for me to do this more frequently, more steadily, being intentional about sharing my gratitude for others and building them up in the process. I am thankful… Continue Reading
The fall season for some of us sets the stage for the holidays. Many churches are busy with kids’ programs, sermon series, evaluating what has happened and making plans for what is ahead. We find things to be thankful for, our loved ones and the valued relationships we hold dear. There is appreciation for time… Continue Reading